Scared Breathless

Click, click, click. The noise of a woman's heels tap against the concrete hastily. All around her in this bustling city people are chatting, cars are driving past and honking, dogs are barking. The lithe, slender woman ignores it all while bobbing her head to the music she's listening to. Her shoulder length brown hair flows gracefully in the breeze behind her. She wears a black blouse and matching small skirt. In one arm she's carrying a stack of important looking paperwork, tucked away neatly into organized folders. She reaches her free hand in the pocket of her mini skirt and presses a button on her IPod to change songs. An upbeat song comes on which helps encourage her to walk faster. Any bystander spectating her could tell she's in a rush.

Further ahead, Veronica notices a collection of leaves obstructing the side walk. She gets rather annoyed at whoever's job it is to keep the streets clear. When she steps into the pile her heel impales one of the leaves, picking it up like a skewer. In her irritation she waves her arms and a gust of wind suddenly passes by, sweeping all of the leaves out of her way, but also takes some of her important documents with them.

"God damn it, I don't have time for this." Veronica walks over and bends down to pick up her papers. Among the files she also accidentally picks up a random business card which she keeps to throw away later. Her skirt lifts above her thighs while she's bent over, revealing her light pink panties underneath. She hears a wolf whistle from behind her and quickly straightens herself up, turning toward the source of the noise. A tall, athletic man in a black suit leans against the wall and noticeably glances over her entire body, checking her out. He drops a lit cigarette on the floor and steps on it. Everything about this mans appearance feels intimidating and, off.

"Nice, I wish another breeze would rush through here so I could get a longer look." The man comments. Veronica rolls her eyes and continues walking away without speaking another word to the man. As she passes, he unsolicitedly slaps her butt to watch her thighs jiggle under her skirt. Her body temperature starts to heat up with anger and she takes a deep breath to avoid combusting. Sometimes, her powers got difficult to control. She continues ignoring him and walks away quickly.

That evening after work, Veronica sits on her bed watching TV while petting her orange tabby. Despite having plenty of money, she has a middle class apartment that's filled with clutter. She ends up spending most of her free time in bed with her cat as they watch TV together. However she can't focus on what's playing today; she finds herself still fretting about her unpleasant experience in the morning. She hates men who disrespect women like that, and people who litter their cigarette butts.

"Someone should teach that asshole a lesson, Abby." She talks to her cat. She stays silent curled up Veronica's lap, gently purring with contentment. "Its been a while since I had any fun. Maybe I could do it, heh." She jokes. As she tries to watch TV she fantasizes more and more about what she could do to that awful man.

She decides against it since she wouldn't know how to find him again and gets up to make lunch. As she walks past her kitchen table she remembers and grabs the business card from earlier to dispose of. Right there on the card is a picture of the man she has been fictionally plotting against. It's as if this is meant to be. Veronica skips lunch and goes back to her room to get on her laptop, doing her research...

Click, click, click. Veronica's sparkly red heels tap against the ground and her matching dress glimmers in the street lights. She enters a high- class bar with a friendly smile on her face. She is greeted immediately upon entering, and she returns the gesture to the polite bouncer. All the patrons inside are dressed in suits or expensive dresses. This must be the place.

Veronica approaches the counter and waits patiently for the bartender. He's taking a while to chat with a businessman and she gets impatient. With a flick of her finger a glass of wine falls over and spills all over the counter. The bartender is forced to divert his attention to clean the mysterious spill, then finally notices her presence.

"Oh, my apologies miss. I didn't see you there. What can I get for you?" His cheeks are flushed with embarrassment.

"No worries, a plain lemonade please." She speaks in a soft friendly tone. When she leans on the counter she makes sure to keep her arms squished together, boosting up her boobs. The bartender's gaze lays upon her large breasts. Perfect.

"Y..yes, right away madam!" He awkwardly turns away to mix her lemonade.

"Thank you, gosh you are working so hard huh, you deserve a raise..." Veronica lazily butters the man up. She digs and questions him for information, getting every piece of information she needs by the end of their conversation. She politely thanks him and leaves, gifting him a fake number on a napkin.

Veronica looks around for the man the bartender described and spots him with a couple other men in suits. She scratches in itch on her arm to discreetly direct a random patrons cigarette smoke up the noses of his two colleagues. They cough and soon need to excuse themselves to get fresh air outside. This was her chance now that the man she was looking for is alone.

"Excuse me, John?" Veronica's target looks away from his colleagues, confused. When he turns his head he finds himself face to face with her plump breasts. His cheeks turn instantly rosey red. "Hi my name is Veronica, I heard you work for Mr. Vitro and I was really interested in applying. Could you help me out hun?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Veronica. I have to admit it's a bit odd to be approached after work regarding...this." He cant help but let his eyes wander over her lithe body, hesitating on her thighs. The way she is standing, her dress barely covers her to be publicly appropriate. Her polite and straight forward attitude might make her a good candidate for their available secretary position, but he would have to learn more about her before recommending her to his boss. He doesn't allow just anybody to work under him, they need employees who know how to obey their secrecy policies.

She has a seat next to him and the two begin a conversation that starts off feeling like an Interview, but after some time resembles more of a date. She takes an occasional sip of her lemonade while they laugh and joke about a bit of everything. Then it takes a turn when sexual fantasies come up in conversation. Veronica can tell he's hooked. She takes one last sip of her lemonade and places the empty cup down with a sigh.

"Gosh I'm really falling in love...with this job. I'm sure there's about more to it that can only be discussed in private though. Let me know if you're free any night and maybe we can talk more...somewhere else?" She gives a sweet, innocent smile. With any luck he would invite her back to his place thinking he would be getting more than a new co-worker.

"I'm actually free the rest of the night if you'd like to come back to my place. Of course, if that's too soon I understand if you decline." He tries to remain formal. The bulge developing in his pants says he has other thoughts on his mind, however.

"That's actually perfect. I'll call a taxi and meet you there." Little does John know it's a trap. She gives him a firm handshake and walks out, swinging her hips gracefully to pronounce her butt as she walks.

Veronica arrives at John's luxury apartment before he does and waits patiently in the hall, scrolling on her phone. When he makes it up he greets her formally and invites her inside. Inside looks as expensive and high class as the exterior. All his couches are black leather and his tables are cherry wood. The lighting is soft and inviting. They have a seat in the living room and immediately begin discussing some more private details of the job. Veronica plays along and pretends to pay attention, focusing on her peripheral vision to see what's around his home.

She spends what feels like hours making stories up to make herself seem like the most wonderful candidate that could have ever walked in. She describes being a former member of a Yakuza, lies about having valuable insider information. She brags about all these connections she has to potential clients that could boost their own clientele. As much as John seems to love her, he still doesn't tell her how to actually get into this job.

"...of course, if you need money now I'm always willing to help out a beautiful woman." John says as he places a hand on her thigh. This was it, she wasn't going to milk any more information from him with flirting so it's time to get more serious. She looks at him and smiles sweetly.

"What is it you want from me? I know there's more on your mind." She turns toward him and stares into his eyes, seeming innocent and naive. She bites on her lip to act cute while he hesitates.

"You know, I've been out pretty late tonight and I just cant help myself. A pretty lady comes over wearing that sexy red dress, presenting herself to me. God there's so many things I'd love to do to you." Veronica looks at his lap and notices the his bulge has returned. She reaches over and strokes his hard cock through his pants.

"You know what I want, Darling? I want to punish all the sleazy pigs like you who have no respect for a woman's body. I was just going to go after your boss, but ho...I'm going to have a lot of fun punishing you as well." She squeezes his cock painfully until he groans, then stands up, towering over him while he sits there, shocked and dumbfounded. She lifts her hands away from herself and they envelope in flame.

"What...what are you? Aaah!!" The neighbors hear nothing, and by the time the cops arrive to investigate his apartment, they find John tied up and soiled, locked up in the bathroom with a box of cheerios dumped all over the floor. Burn marks cover his skin and he refuses to speak about what happened, from fear of Veronica paying another visit for revenge.

Using John's hand written letter of recommendation, getting the job interview as a secretary was easy. The boss calls her and sets up an appointment for the next day after dinner. Its after hours, so nobody else is working the building, and it's the first time she will come face to face with him since the day he touched her inappropriately.

Click, click, click. Veronica wears the black heels she was wearing when she met Mr. Vitro, along with a very unprofessional tight athletic top and drainpipe pants. She carries a matching black side purse and her hair is luminous and full of volume from getting it done at a salon earlier that day. She knew she wouldn't have to dress professional with this type of man. All she would need is her "charm." She approaches the office that looks like a typical business. Its amazing how a place like this out in the open could hold so many secrets. The automatic doors slide open inviting her into the establishment.

"Good evening, Ms. Veronica. I...oh! It's that beautiful woman from a couple days ago. Sorry, I didn't recognize your face at first." He smirks. He withholds saying "since I was too busy staring at your ass" but it goes without saying.

"Mr. Vitro." She gives the most curt acknowledgment as she closes his office door behind her. She walks over and has a seat, crossing her legs neatly. He looks her over, clearly impressed by her unprofessional attire. For a while the interview is completely normal, she answers questions about herself and her work history. Mr. Vitro has no idea that every word of it is made up. Toward the end of the interview he asks the typical question.

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?" He adjust himself in his seat again. Something must be uncomfortable with his lower half. Disgusting.

"One of my strengths is the ability to ride you all night without getting tired." She suddenly takes on a mischievous grin.

"Excuse me?" He asks entirely surprised and turned on by the sudden change in her demeanor He fidgets on his seat to get more comfortable again.

"You heard me." Veronica stands up and walks behind his desk. Vitro swivels his chair to look at her. She grabs the hair at the back of his head and yanks his face into her breasts. He groans with shock and tries to talk, but is entirely muffled by Veronica's body. She giggles at the ticklish vibrations caused my his muffled voice. She notices him reaching under his desk and grasps his arm. She squeezes tight, digging her nails into his skin. Whether it was a weapon or panic button, there's no way she would let the fun end so soon.

Once Vitro had had enough, Veronica pulls away leaving him gasping for breath. Making sure he can see, she pinches her fingers together in front of his face. The air makes a whistling noise matching the wolf whistle he annoyed her with when they first met. She reaches down and begins stroking his partially erect cock through his suit pants. Her other hand caresses his hips, then his butt and thighs. He fails to notice her slipping his phone out of his pocket. Still taken aback by the situation, he doesn't protest what she's doing to his body. His breathing remains heated and heavy as he tries to speak.

"You' of those Super freaks? What do you want from me? Revenge?" Vitro questions. He had heard about humans with powers but had never seen one for himself. He never thought the girl he had flirted with inappropriately would come back to harm him.

"I'm not here to take the job as a secretary. I'm here to take over yours." She twirls her free hand, blowing a folded paper out of her purse to neatly land on the desk. It is a hand written contract to assume the title for the company and property. Still struggling to breath, Vitro just shakes his head back and forth.

"I guess I'll have to be more persistent. Stand up." She commands before letting go of his now fully erect dick. She stands back and gives him room to obey. She laughs again, at his massive bulge. A tiny wet spot can even be seen from him leaking pre-cum. Without warning she grabs his pants and yanks them down, taking his underwear with them. The material chafes against his cock giving him a sensation of friction burn. He cooperates with her as she tears off his shirt just as roughly.

"My turn. Undress me." She demands and holds her arms in a dramatic T pose. Vitro nods and slides his fingers I to the waistline of her tight pants and tugs, but they are so snug on her wide hips that they don't budge. He tries her top instead as she continues giggling. That too, is too tight to take off over her large breasts. Her boobs jiggle and bounce as he helplessly tugs away.

"How pathetic, you can't even get the clothes off a tiny woman's body. I thought you looked pretty athletic but you're just weak." Being talked down to is a new experience for him; he's always had everyone do what he said without question. She huffs and speaks louder.

"Try harder you imbecile." Veronica snaps. Vitro's hands get shaky from fear, rendering him useless to even grab at her clothing.

"I...I can't. Can you help just a little?" His voice stammers.

"Ridiculous." She takes off her own top. It holds tight to her breasts until they are finally free to drop out, bouncing from their own weight. She kicks her heels off to the side and easily drops her pants. Underneath, her skin has a nice tan even with her normally exposed body. Her pussy is cleanly shaved and visibly wet underneath her thigh gap. Vitro can't tear his eyes away from her sexy body. She forces his eyes back to hers when he feels the air escaping his lungs without exhaling. She spins her fingers and sucks the air out of him, disabling his breathing in a less sexy manner.

"Have you reconsidered signing my contract?" She asks in a friendly tone despite cutting off his breathing. He shakes his head in refusal still. She silently waits, and waits. The stubborn man still wont reach for his pen. She uses her free hand to create a ball of flames in her palm, slowly bringing it closer and closer to his face. He still doesn't budge. She has to admire his mental strength at least.

Finally, when his face starts turning purple and her flame singes the end of his hair, he reaches across his desk and flails his hand around to search for a pen. She extinguishes her flame and allows airflow back into his lungs. He coughs and sloppily signs the paper. She smirks.

"Good. Now, get on MY desk and lay down." Vitro struggles to focus as he's recovering. He sloppily sits his naked butt down, pushing some papers off onto the floor. Veronica gets on top of him and begins rubbing her crotch against his half- hard cock. He closes his eyes and moans, a mixture of relief and arousal.

She grinds against him dry, occasionally letting his cock get closer to her pussy just to move it away again. After toying with Vitro she wants to feel his hard cock pounding into her. She leans forward and lines the tip of his cock up with her lips and shoves as hard as she can, forcing every inch of him inside her. He groans with pain as she moans with pleasure.

She humps him slowly at first, then speeds up. Her boobs bounce and smack into his face repeatedly. When he reaches up to grab her breast, she leans on one arms and grabs his wandering hand. She slams it back down on the desk with enough force to send the pen rolling off. He didn't get to do what he wanted, this is on her terms.

As she goes even faster they both shut their eyes, now lost in the moment forgetting their hatred for one another. The desk creaks and slowly slides across the floor. After all the teasing and build up, Vitro finishes pretty fast. His muscles tense up as he squirts his cum deep inside Veronica. His body quivers as she continues riding him.

Not long after, Veronica feels close to finishing and slaps the side of Vitro's butt. He moans and watches her, too afraid to make a move to touch her again. When she's about to finish, she sits back and twirls her clit with her finger. Her pussy muscles contract and throb as she squirts, mixing her cum with his dripping into his lap. She slows down and works on catching her own breath.

After all is done, she gets up and picks up his clothes to wipe the mess away from her crotch and legs. Vitro remains laying in the same position, unsure of what to do. After Veronica gets dressed she reaches over to his chair and grabs his phone that he didn't notice had been moved. She tosses it onto his naked stomach and it lands with a plop. Vitro picks up the phone and stares at it confused.

"You might want to charge that, seems like the battery died during the phone call."

"What...what's going on?" He asks, still confused.

"Your company, job, and property aren't the only things you've lost. Might want to hurry home to your angry wife." She smirks before walking out of the room, leaving the man behind, bruised and covered in various bodily chemicals.


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