Cougar House Ch. 33: Duck Blind

"Strange! All four of my lovely lads cars are at home but not a soul in the house." Margo Needy explored each of their bedrooms first, then the kitchen, downstairs family room, even the gym area. Giving up she headed back upstairs to the main floor and out the French doors leading to the pool. "This is bizarre. Did someone come pick them up while I was showering?"

Checking out the car barn she found all of her own vehicles in attendance. Having allowed Eric Crowe her tenant, slash would be Master access to her cars she considered they might have all gone on a joy ride. "I give up. Alien abduction?"

With a final shrug of hopelessness she took off on her daily, most days, run toward her three mile trail. Wearing white boy shorts, a cut off white T-shirt, white ankle socks, and tennis shoes, oh, and sunglasses, Margo Needy set out to get the heart pumping. Probably more clothing than her five young Master's might approve of but she did it anyway. She had to have some say right? Only when they weren't around to give her marching orders.

It was a beautiful day the warm joyous sun peeking through the canvas of trees above, birds singing, bees buzzing, even a chatter of squirrels admiring her curvaceous run through their territory. Her territory on paper, theirs by God. It was a shared habitat. This was her personal paradise often imagining how the early American Indian's traveled these game trails, some she and her late husband had crafted later on while using those already built by design at the hands of earlier settlers. Hunter's having traveled this way many times in search of prey. Today, she might be one of those.

Hearing a rustling of brush Margo paused and slowed down a bit in her pace. Only a half mile in she knew by all rights she was trespassing even on her own land deed. The wild life in these parts consisted of pretty much anything from bears, to coyotes, to cougars. She should know she herself was a Cougar by all pedigrees. Still, in all the years she had lived out here not once had she ran into anything near a threat. But, again with Darryl deceased that left her open to fend for herself in the wilderness. Anyone or any thing desiring her could potentially sneak on to her property and take her and she would pretty much be defenseless. This in itself was one of her reasons for renting out rooms to her son Elliot's friends. Companionship and protection! She found both and more in their stay. Rent yes! Damn good sex? OH YES!

With the noise behind her quieting she lost interest, opting to put space between she and whatever had disturbed her nerves. If it were a carnivore it was better to move quickly away and hope she wasn't being tracked. Not many reports of animal attacks were ever reported in a fifty mile radius but still. Better safe than dinner!

"I really should carry animal repellent or a horn. At the very least my cell phone, of course my service gets spotty outside my home. I'll be fine but note to self...prepare better." At least in not having anything to carry she could cup her monster chest to avoid whiplash. Silicone or not her perfect tits were deadly weapons. Too bad they were no real defense against a wild animal unless they choked on the implants. She found that funny!

Rounding a bend Margo Needy spotted something that made her stop in her Nikes. "What in the world?" Up on a tree was nailed a sign that said as read, "Lake ahead skinny dipping allowed within the ropes. Who put that up there?" She knew her rather large duck pond was near so that was the reference to it being a lake. Same thing to some people. The sign looked new so it had to have been recently installed. She hadn't gone running yesterday and it wasn't there before so she presumed it was nailed up the day after they had gone clubbing. Interesting! "Did one of my Master's put that up? I wonder why?"

Hearing noise in the timbers a second round she had a feeling she was being followed. Set up was a better assessment she smirked. "With the boys all missing I bet they're out here waiting on me. I did tell Cabot I might go running today to make up missing my usual exercise routine. Let's just keep going and see what happens. That sign was meant for me to see it so I'll just go for a swim and see if my stalkers go wading with me." With a hidden snicker she resumed her run. When out of sight and certain she would not retrace her steps out came Eric Crowe holding his hand held video camcorder.

"As you can see the wildlife out here is quite beautiful." He documented the surroundings, "Including the Mistress of the Bed & Breakfast on her afternoon run. For those interested, the area all around the facility is designated as a free spirit zone. While the Mistress is wearing attire currently it is only by choice. She too enjoys her personal freedom, as should any who enjoy their stay here at Wildwood Inn." Cutting there Eric chuckled, "Wild wood in her holes!" That was a certainty and a privilege!

Walky Talky in hand he called out, "Slut just passed Skinny Dip Curve. Keep those cameras rolling." A simple reply of, "On her!" was heard from four other sources. For some reason Heath Talbot cringed at hearing one lone, "Copy that!" A sore spot indeed!

Nothing further distracting her Margo continued on until finally reaching the pond. Sweaty which meant calories being burnt away she hated to quit while she was ahead but the sign had significance. Moving to her tree stump Wild Blue Ponder as she called it, she noticed there was a canoe and a rope of Styrofoam bobbers around the edge where it dropped off into deeper water. While never noticing it before, the boys had obviously been out here at some point or none of this would be set up. She had to smile at their ingenuity, this was thinking ahead.

"Don't turn around and not a word." She heard and froze at Brian Hancock's voice. "When I say go...take your clothes off and go for a swim. Do not react to me." A moment later she heard him say, "Go!" Camera turned on. Margo smirked playfully and went into theatrics as if she were in some porno but with a hint of restraint. Taking her cut off t-shirt up over her head she cast it into the grass and stretched vividly, at first jostling her breasts as if to give them exercise, her thoughts on the lake a fond shared reflection with Mother Nature.

Wiggling her boy shorts down seductively yet not so heavily insinuated that it looked obviously staged, she paused at her knees and shared her clam toward Brian. In her mind she just knew she was being filmed. Taking her tennis shoes and socks off before finally removing her boy shorts she stood naked and free of confinement. Peering from side to side as if searching for viewers she stepped to the lakes edge and kicked at the water. Chilly but relaxing just the same. Wading out slowly until the waters surface was halfway up her butt crack as a depth measurement she teased the water with her nails before stretching forward into a submerged swim along the top of the water.

Going under she made certain to lift her ass high enough to let any viewer admire her perfect bottom. Under all the way for a rare minute she surfaced with her hair straight and shiny. Rolling her hands through her brunette mane to see reality she turned toward the shore without focusing on the fact Brian stood holding a second camcorder filming her. Stretching back she let her breasts float on top for a vivid panorama of constantly aroused nipples. Nice! It was all Brian could do not to talk dirty.

"Freedom is what Wildwood Inn is all about. Nature's own way of saying join us. Embrace the wild life where God meant it to be called home. Go for a swim, share romantic moments with a loved one." Behind Brian stepped his brother Jeffrey in jeans and a flannel shirt. Moving in front of the camera like a curious hiker he made it appear as if greeting the gorgeous swimmer with a simple wave. Margo in actress mode smiled bashfully, yet curled an index finger to invite him in. Jeffrey took his boots off in a slow striptease that ended with his jeans in the grass alongside her clothing.

Nude with a well defined physique he joined her in the pond and swam over to hook up. It first alluded to a shyness as if not knowing one another but ended in her crawling up his body to wrap her arms about his neck and guide him into a sweltering kiss. Well received he took the steaminess up a notch and lowered them into the water.

"What are we doing Jeffrey?" She whispered and severed their kiss only for a brief questionnaire. Another round of tongue frolicking he too eased away and mumbled, "Bed & Breakfast Advertisement. Just look natural!"

"Mmmm!" She loved the idea. So much so her hand moved down to fondling his cock which had no problem at all in being rock hard. Anchors away! Again crawling up on him she used her own perfected ease in locating his crown and guiding it up inside her without using a hand to do so. Talent was her middle name! Riding him sensually left the cameraman rubbing his own tented jeans. "As you can see the wild life has it's moments." He shut the camera off and lowered it. Tempted to say, "Cut!" He just let his brother have his fun fucking Margo in the pond.

Brian's thoughts were elsewhere at the moment. Envisioning himself in their place with his stepsister Gwen was strangely making him consider a relationship. Was that even possible? He knew his parents, stepmother would object, yet..."What the hell am I thinking? I'd destroy our family worse than Dad did when he fucked around on mom." A strange addition to his thoughts he saw his stepmother Carmen as he had in the park across from the bakery she owned. That day he and his father Bruno waited on her lunch delivery. Freezing in the visual Brian shook it off. "Come on you mother...fucker! Stop thinking about Carmen like that. Bad enough I'm fucking three out of four of her daughters. I'm no better than my pop."

"Looks like they're almost done." Cabot Ross stepped up to his best friend. "Next scene is ready when she is."

"We gonna wear her out before tomorrow's bonfire?"

"Probably shouldn't! We really could have done this commercial next week. Hell, she hasn't even been approved of the remodeling loan yet."

"Blame Eric! He's the one putting together that porno we can show at his theater after hours and make bank on."

"Pays our rent I guess!"

"What we're charging for tomorrow night should cover us a few months."

"Do you even feel bad us using Margo like this?"

"Not really! She's a nympho. Besides we're her Master's right?"

"In my mind that's just for shits and wiggles Bri! Only you and Heath seem to think she's your actual slave."

"Jeff does too."

"Come on he's crossing his fingers on seeing that Korean hottie from the club. We all have girls now in some fashion we don't need to treat Margo like crap."

"We don't! She adores us all and none of us hurt her. It's just fun to say I own a Cougar."

"She's not wearing her collar right now." Cabot pointed out.

"Mean's she gets punished after today, huh?"

"Punished how?"

"We'll think of something."

Rolling up behind them Eric Crowe made his appearance felt, "Why aren't you recording this?"

"Dunno!" Brian shrugged, "Got the Commercial footage so I just gave them privacy."

"While watching them fuck in the pond?" Cabot chuckled.

"You guys are too." He was correct.

"I wish we'd had more free time to really set things up for the commercial. All of our schedules are so different it makes it hard to coordinate."

"Well we all called off work today and will tomorrow for the bonfire party, so we managed pretty well considering. I'll have a few guys come out in the morning to help relocate everything again, put tents up. I'll have Jeff grab extra fire wood." Brian relayed, "I asked Dad to save some wood from his cut today for us."

"Bruno know about the party plans?"

"Hell no! He'd want to come. Hard enough keeping it from Gwen and her sisters."

"I hear ya!" Eric sighed, "My sis Lily was there when we made those party fliers at the bank. She knows but luckily she's trying to avoid Ben by letting him go without her. My gut says she has plans to hang with another guy."

"Kids growing up." Cabot nodded, "No offense but I can see why she might look elsewhere. Ben's a douche."

"No doubt! About as annoying as Elliot!" Brian brought up Margo's adopted son off in France to study abroad. "Wonder how he's doing with his deaf hottie? How the hell did he land her anyway?"

"Who knows! As long as he stays out of our hair with his mom."

"Margo won't let him push us away, we have her hooked on us." Cabot added in response to Eric's worry, "She can't get enough of us when we demand sex."

"Do we have to demand it?" Eric winced.

Over the walky talky in Cabot's hand they hear their buddy Heath Talbot, "Hurry the hell up I'm getting mosquito bites on my nads."

"They're coming out of the pond now. Hang in there Oasis One!"

"BRING ME MY HAREM GIRL!" Heath chuckled.

"On her way BEDuin Boy!" Cabot chuckled and released his trigger to greet the bathing beauty and her handsome pond sCum. Private joke! "So what do you think so far Margo? Surprised?"

"I didn't realize we needed to make an ad for a non existent Bed & Breakfast? Isn't that rather premature? While I want to be optimistic of getting my loan..."

"What about Elliot's buddy...speaking of Desert sands..." Brian chimed in, "He's paying you to come to France and be his slave for a week or so right?"

"Is that really safe? Even with Elliot there you don't know that Farouk guy." Eric stressed.

"No, I don't! Believe me I'm just as cautious." Margo began to pick up her clothing when Brian stopped her and took her shorts and shirt away. "Shoes only!" He directed her. "As you wish Master!" She was more than happy to relinquish her attire. "Where is Master Heath?"

"We're not done making the commercial." Eric pointed at his camcorder. "This is for fun but I'll eventually make a better one after the place gets remodeled. Seeing as we all played hooky from work today and tomorrow I coaxed the guys into doing something nice for you."

"Right!" Brian nudged Margo playfully, "Considering the hell we're gonna put your slave ass through tomorrow."

"Is that what you call it?" She batted her eyes, "I'll be the judge of that." She was ready to prove to them once and for all that she would do anything for them. Her hormones were charged up and ready.

"Let's get this moving along." Eric advised, "We still have to take everything back before nightfall."

"Everything back?" Margo questioned, "What more have you done?"

"Just ideas we've envisioned for the B & B!" Cabot offered insight, "The skinny dipping part is only one perk for staying at the Wildwood Inn."

"Is that what I'm calling it?"

"Sounds good!" Cabot shrugged. "Oh! I christened Darryl's canoe Wet Willy."

"I saw that." She giggled, "Isn't there a Wildwood Inn already in town?"

"Nobody stays there!" Jeffrey spoke up, "It should be condemned."

"We'll figure it out the closer it gets. If it happens at all."

"It will! I have faith." She smiles at her lovers. "Show me the rest." As if reading one another's mind they all lowered their zippers. As if she had never seen their dicks before. It was funny while the shenanigan lasted.

"Okay!" Eric went into Director mode, "Walk the path ahead and play Snow White! Dance about without a care in the world. I'll do the Narration for the commercial. When you come upon Heath just act natural, do what you do best."

"Mmmm! Can't wait! Lights! Camera! Action!" She wiggled away, ignoring them as if simply on a nature hike. All four boys were struggling to keep up with their erections from hell. Hearing Eric recite practiced comments of the surrounding wilderness trail Margo twirled in step as if mesmerized by the beauty of every single detail about her. Making certain his camera caught every worthy facet of her body she paraded up over a short hill. With the pond still in sight over the ridge she discovered her missing Master Heath posing naked while stretched out on something that caught her eye. "So this is where my old spare beds went."

"One of them." Eric ceased filming to answer her, "We gonna use the others at some point, just not here."

"We intend to put a canopy over each oasis to protect it from the rain and the animals. This is just a short term prop."

"We figured Heath was scary enough to keep the animals at bay." Brian laughed.

"So my future bookings can come out here and have sex on a full size bed amid the splendor of nature."

"That's the plan." Jeffrey defined his hopes.

"Start recording Mister Spielberg." She told Eric, "I'm going from Jaws Jeffrey to Close Encounters of the Heath Kind."

"Take care of E.T." Brian chuckled. "No phoning home!"

Playing coy she approached Heath who went from modelling to just laying back nude wearing only his sunglasses. Stroking his cock he ignored her as she circled his bed slowly and sensually as if he were prey. She found it amazing that the boys would go so far as to bring not just the mattress and box springs out here but the headboards and railing too. They chose a beautiful spot on the shoreline to do so. In the background were ducks and egrets wading on the far side, some venturing closer out of curiosity.

Deciding to venture into bed she lay on her side and snuggled up under his arm, taking over his hand job to get him nice and settled in. Kissing his chest she found him willing to offer passion, something unlike Heath Talbot most days, he preferring things rough and tumble. Lips starving for one another Eric swooped in closer for those intimate shots and spoke as the narrator in saying, "At Wildwood Inn the entire surrounding forest and lakes are accessible to live out any fantasy you might wish to envision. Why be cooped up in your room when you can have the world at your fingertips." He zoomed in on Margo's own fingers curled around Heath's hefty cock, letting the viewer understand the inner meaning of his comment.

Easing back Eric captured the entirety of the bedridden lovers. Lips parting she opted to straddle Heath in a 69 position, he removing his shades to eat her out as she swallowed his cock. No narration he let her soft moans portray the serenity of the moment. Warm welcoming cum splashed across Heath's face as she playfully took her time in sucking him tenderly, her hands cupping and kneading at his balls. No mosquitos present!

Keeping the volume of his grunting down Heath nutted into her mouth and she savored his flavor with expressions of adoration. Tongue lashes to his crown she sweetly drained him dry before crawling off of him and being coaxed from his bed. A fond farewell of waning hands once gripped they heard Eric say, "Cut!"

"That was fucking sexy hot Margo." Cabot whistled.

"Three more beds out here correct?" She surmised with a flirtatious gaze.

"Only one more for now!" The consensus as Eric motioned her back on to her jogging trail. She noticed that Brian had ran on ahead in preparation. She couldn't wait, he had by far the biggest cock of the young men. She needed that big boy after being so worked up in appealing to Heath's abnormally in tune passions.

Hanging back with Heath Cabot waited until his buddy got dressed, "What's gotten into you?"

"Me?" Heath trembled slightly recalling his hotel debacle over at TRAINsylvania Station when hooking up with his old Spanish Teacher Fannie Filmore, her husband local law enforcement Riley Filmore and his biker brother Poke entangling Heath in a close call, the biker gang being gay. Having been bukkaked on he was still reeling from the trauma, even though he now had permission to hook up with Fannie any time he wanted. That was part of the problem, he worried about his own fanny. While he was coping and slowly becoming his old self to a larger degree, Heath was concealing his true to form dominance. "I'm fine! Just going with the promo for the Bed & Breakfast thing."


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